christopher mcenroe








"This applies to many film jobs, not just editing: half the job is doing the job, and the other half is finding ways to get along with people and tuning yourself in to the delicacy of the situation."

- Walter Murch



The Air-Crane  


Air Crane Pre-title

A quick introduction to the amazing Air Crane.



Air Crane - Act I

The Air Crane is clearly the toughtest helicopter in the world.

Mean Green Machines Discovery  


Motocross Teaser

Every episode faced the challenge of delivering action and education. Cool, interesting subjects like this electric dirt bike gave us lots of great material to work with.



Meet The Zero...

These clips are, clearly, from an unfinished version of the show. But even at this stage it's easy to get caught up with this amazing, emission free bike and find out how it does againt the Yamaha.



Solar Car Danger

Sometimes it's necessary to create a little more drama than what's available in the raw footage. This is an example of just that. You know: storytelling.


The Doodlebops

Seasons II & III


Doodlebop Clubhouse Scene


Clubhouse Scene

"The Doodlebops" is the most popular show for 3 - 5 year olds on the Disney Playhouse Network, due largely to the editing

  Doodlebops Studio Scene

Recording Studio Scene

The Doodles deal with a wide range of issues in their lives as young rock stars. 8 - 12 pages a day, plus singing and dancing .
  Doodlebops Music Video

Music Video

The show is technically interesting with lots of visual effects, green screen, and music videos like this and a live concert number every episode.


"All Throught The Night"

with Jason McCoy

  All Through The Night with Jason McCoy

Jason McCoy & Friends

No one does Chirstmas like Jason McCoy and the Wailing Jenny's .



"... follow the see and say method: if someone says it, you should see it. It's simple and it works well."

- JW (boss, mentor, friend)



Sumo Robot Challenge 2007  

Sumo Robot Challenge 2007


Rock'em Sock'em Robot Action

SRC 2007 was concieved, shot, and edited in 5 days for this year's International Documentary Challenge.

Crazy fighting robots do battle. Heavy Metal Steve Hazard, goes up against the teenaged Gauverlac Sisters. A brilliant, slightly "mad" professor, all hosted by the 'amazing' Ray.



"The TV business is uglier than most things. It is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs."

- Hunter S Thompson


Miller Genuine Draft  

Miller Music Tour - Hummerzines



200 people driving from LA, to Las Vegas, San Francisco. All paid for by a beer company, not a bad weekend, eh?



Miller Music Tour - Vegas



An internal promo for the leg of the trip to sin city. There's not really any explanitory information to convey about this video, and these blurbs are largely for visual balance anyway.


Molson Canadian  

Molson Canadian Rocks Party

Sales Party

I shot the party for half the night, spent the rest of the night editing, and delivered a much longer version of this for the 8am breakfast meeting.

Not many people showed up at 8am, two in fact. But it was done on time and they were very happy.


Rogers Wireless  

Rogers Wireless Text Animation


Nationwide Text Messaging Promotion

This video was used in 10 malls across the country one weekend back when people needed encouragment to text one another.

How quickly the times they are a changin'.




"I don't know anything about music, in my line you don't have to."

- Elvis Presley



Bocephus King  

Bocephus King Music Video


Wreck Of The Century


Pacifica Music Video

"Me Cai"

'But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: 'We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.'

- Lewis Carroll


Sugar Sucks  

Sugar Sucks Spec Spot


Sugar Sucks

This spot won the Jeffery Renault Award at the Bessies a few years ago. I directed it and some friends from OCAD wrote it. Clever kids they are.

Ontario College of Art and Design  

OCAD Old Lady Spec Spot

Old Lady

Our heroine decides that she better get to the OCAD art exhibition ASAP.

Gusto: Underwear

Gusto Figure Skater


The first in a series to be completed this summer. Gusto: Underwear doesn't want to spend the money on any a-list athletes. And why should they? Watch this space for a few more.



things i've edited